Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hangman's Daughter -One discussion question

Why did the writer choose to use last names so frequently?

Throughout the story, the writer repetitiously uses last names of every single character in the book. Perhaps she was attempting to reveal the depersonalization, and superficial side of the characters themselves. This seems to be an appropriate conclusion; since almost every character is self absorbed, self-centered, and worried about themselves. Even Laura Bruce, the wife of a preacher, is preoccupied with what others think, and she's mainly concerned about herself. On page 97 she shows resentment for "doing her husband's job" and she complains (in thought) about having to listen to his update on how things are going in the desert. On page 126 Laura even complains about having to do Christmas! Her comment reveals, that even celebrating Jesus' birthday is a huge inconvenience for her. On page 79 Laura comments on her concern of possibly delivering a handicapped child. But instead of worrying for the child, and how this might affect his/her life, she worries about how inconvenient this would be for HER.

This selfish attitude is seen throughout the book, in many other characters. Spencer, the sheriff, shows signs of the same attitude over and over, as he tries to shrug-off his responsibility to check in on the two remaining Underhill's children. He would do it, but only because it's "expected" of him (66).
Even the elderly lay preacher, filling in for Will Bruce, whines about having to give the graveside eulogy (62). Page #104 reveals Mark Underhill's thoughts of resentment towards his brother Josh. Not anger for killing his parents and younger brother, but for messing up his bedroom, and leaving him in a room tainted by blood stains.

It's inconceivable to think people could be so self-centered, and selfish; until I hear myself complain about having to miss class tomorrow, because a good friend's son was unexpectedly killed over the weekend. His service will inconveniently interfere with my routine, and I might lose face with my teacher. I stop to reflect how I ashamedly fit in with this books characters. Maybe we all do sometime.

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